I love to fellowship with the Lord.  I look forward to hearing from Him about all the amazing things He has to tell me through my husband, children, mother and other family members. 

I enjoy inviting God into my space and I welcome His revelations and His will for my life.  I get so excited just knowing that He hears my petitions and no matter how He answers each one, whether it's yes, no or wait, I trust Him the way that I love Him; with all my heart, soul, mind and strength. 

Another thing that I love about my relationship with God is heeding His advice; the greatest and best advice in all the world.  A professor, doctor or lawyer with the best quality education and all the degrees in the world could not possibly tell me what the Lord thy God can tell me because His wisdom is infinite and simply put, He loves me like no one else loves me.  This is why I trust Him to guide my every move, my every dream, my every aspiration and my every goal.

My life has truly been an interesting one; learning new things from people who grace this magnificent universe and just watching their actions have been lessons in themselves.  One of the most interesting things that I've learned is the importance to always trust God no matter what you're going through.

About seven years ago, I developed an arsenal of fibroid tumors.  For years I just dealt with them and decided that I would just continue to deal with them for the rest of my life, but then things changed for the worse and I was forced to seek help to get rid of the tumors.  I changed my diet to help shrink the tumors, but because of the size of the tumors and the large amount of the fibroids, I decided to have a procedure to have the tumors embolized.  Good golly, my flesh wrestled with the decision of having the tumors embolized only because of the pain associated with the procedure.  I became a nervous wreck...I was more than a wreck; I was a shaking tree, scared to death to have this procedure performed because during my consultation with the physician, she informed me and walked me thru, step-by-step, all that was involved in having the tumors embolized. 

So I made the appointment to have the procedure done and from that point on, I shook, my heart kept dropping and I just was not in favor of having this done, but I prayed about it and got no peace at all about it until the morning of the surgery.  The anticipation of having this procedure was about to make my heart explode right out of my chest.

The morning of the surgery, my daughter and my husband accompanied me to the hospital.  I kept saying, "I'm scared, I'm scared", but they kept saying, "you can do it and you'll be fine.  I was waiting to hear from the Lord, and the worse the cramps got, I believed that to be confirmation that God was saying, "go on my child and get it done; you'll be fine".  So I went on and while I was laying on the table, the doctor walked over to me and said, "you're going to be fine and at that very moment I relaxed my body and just laid there while he performed the procedure.  There was an enormous flat screen tv sitting as big as day in the O.R.  I looked at the different scenes from the various countries of God's beautiful and magnificent majesty blanketing the screen and I began speaking to God as He touched me and eased my fears.  He was always with me and I thank Him for covering me as only He can. 

Listening to the voice of God has blessed and warmed my life in ways too numerous to count.  What about you; do you listen to the voice of God?  If so, do you know what He's telling you.  Get into His word and wait to hear from Him; I guarantee you'll be glad to know He is always inside you.

I Love Listening to the Voice of God.  It's the Only Way to Live!

Listening the voice of God through the warmness of the sun, through the soft flowing breeze that tickles my face, and through the mighty waves upon the ocean's water echoing into my heart are sweet warm whispers I long to hear.

Listening to the Voice has become a way of life for me.  Obeying and trusting God is truly the only way to live a successful, joy and Spirit-filled life.  Living my life for God has helped me to fulfill my many dreams and aspirations as I work to bring glory and honor to His name.  

Taking heed to God's principles and keeping His commandments close to and forever embedded in my heart have kept me on a path where His Light is a Lamp unto my feet.

As God leads, guides, directs, instructs and speaks to me I listen carefully to His voice and along with all the promises He has so graciously granted me before I graced His beautiful creation, I give Him thanks for being the awesome God He is and for being Ruler in my life.  I will bless God at all times and His praise live in my heart and mouth.

As I listen attentively to the voice of God He tells me in His word that I can come to Him, talk to Him pouring my heart out to Him knowing that He is going to strengthen and sustain me through all my trials and hardships.  I welcome and patiently wait to hear the voice of God for my life.  I enjoy spending quiet love-filled time alone with Him talking to Him and pouring out my heart to Him as I commit and surrender my life to Him each and every day I am blessed to reverence Him with another day of life.

Hearing the voice of God speak to me through my circumstances, my struggles, persecution, hurt and pain is the peace, joy, goodness, gentleness and blessings my Father grants me through His love for me.  In Jesus' Name, I thank You, Father God, I lift You up and I give You glory, honor and praise and as I seek your face, I seek Your kingdom and righteousness all the days of my life.
